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/ Computer Life 1997 February / Computer Life February 1997.iso / S / wws9530 / Product / WORDSRCH.EXE / 0 / RCDATA / TREGNOTICE / TREGNOTICE.txt
Text File  |  1996-03-09  |  2KB  |  95 lines

  1. object RegNotice: TRegNotice
  2.   Left = 391
  3.   Top = 117
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  5.   Caption = 'Notice'
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  23.     AutoSize = False
  24.     Caption = 'Over 300 word puzzles'
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  28.     Font.Style = [fsBold]
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  30.   end
  31.   object Label3: TLabel
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  38.     Caption = 'Over 20 fun congratulatory sounds'
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  42.     Font.Style = [fsBold]
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  44.   end
  45.   object Label4: TLabel
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  51.     AutoSize = False
  52.     Caption = '100,000 word American & British dictionaries'
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  60.   object Panel1: TPanel
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  75.       Caption = 
  76.         'The following additional features are contained in the registere' +
  77.         'd version of Word Search Rampage.'
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  83.     end
  84.   end
  85.   object OkButton: TButton
  86.     Left = 244
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  90.     Caption = '&Ok'
  91.     TabOrder = 1
  92.     OnClick = OkButtonClick
  93.   end
  94. end